No Needle Acupuncture, Low Light Laser Therapy & Auriculotherapy
What is no-needle acupunctureLike acupuncture, no needle acupuncture is a treatment that focusses on realigning and balancing the flow of energy in the acupuncture meridians and points of Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory - but not using acupuncture needles.
Low Light Laser Therapy (LLLT) Acupuncture uses a very low frequency laser light to affect the flow of energy in the meridians and acupuncture points on the body. It is completely painless. Microcurrent Acupuncture is often described as feeling a little like TENS therapy but using a tiny electrical current. Ear seed therapy uses tiny ear seeds attached to specific points on the ears to affect the flow of energy in meridians. LLLT Microcurrent Acupuncture, and Ear Seed Therapy treatments are perfect in situations where needle acupuncture may not be suitable:
How can no-need acupuncture help you?These treatments have been shown to be as effective as needle acupuncture, have a broad range of applications and have documented success in treating a range of conditions:
I've written a short blog post if you'd like to learn more about LLLT acupuncture. You'll find it here.
AuriculotherapyAuriculotherapy is a specialised form of acupuncture applied to specific points on the ears. It is commonly used to treat and help alleviate symptoms associated with stress, pain and addictions - for example drug and alcohol addiction. Based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and also incorporating elements of Western Auriculotherapy, the treatment has also been used to successfully help with the detoxification process, helping reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms such as depression, insomnia, agitation and anxiety and promote deep relaxation.
How can auriculotherapy and ear seed therapy help you?Auriculotherapy is commonly used to treat and help alleviate:
Auriculotherapy using Ear SeedsAuriculotherapy also uses Ear Seeds - tiny 'seeds' or balls to help enhance your treatment. The ear seeds are placed on specific points on the ear and apply gentle, continuous pressure on each point to enhance flow of energy, or chi, through the acupuncture meridians. These ear seeds are usually placed on the ears by your practitioner but they can be used at home very effectively and safely. You can purchase ear seeds acupressure treatment packs to use at home directly from the website here. Alternatively, you can arrange an ear seed consultation with me where I can advise you about placement of seeds for your specific needs.
If you'd like to have an informal chat about these treatments or would like to arrange a free initial consultation contact me on 07757 020592 or book your appointment here.
Ear Seed Consultations and Home use |
Some feedback from previous clients.
CalmPoint Ear SeedsThese testimonials were all given after just one Ear Seed Consultation:
"I feel so much better, more like myself again." "All going well, Adele. In fact I've not had to use any pain killers over the weekend! Feels so much better!" "I am feeling much better after using the Ear Seeds. There is no pain in my face where it had been sore before (migraine headaches). I have re-ordered some more CalmPoint Ear Seeds just now. My partner found them easy to put on as he had taken photos of the original position. Thank you." "The seeds are having a good effect - I'm not quite so agitated and feel more relaxed." "They're so tiny but definitely have an amazing effect! I feel so much more relaxed now." "Putting the seeds on at first was a bit tricky but I soon got the hang of it. I love that these are so safe to use and that I can use them at home too. I'm pretty busy and don't always have time to come for a treatment, especially in the last year with the pandemic, so the ear seeds are a perfect way for me to do my own treatments when I need to. They've been a godsend!" |
Stress, Depression & Tinnitus"I had been recommended to Adele by a family member, who had had such a positive experience. I had experienced a period of stress and depression, which I thought was mainly related to work, and was finding things difficult, e.g. making decisions, sleeping, worrying. I had a consultation with Adele earlier this year, and from this, it was agreed to try acupuncture (ear). I had never tried any form of acupuncture before. I found it painless, and felt such a calm, relaxed state during the acupuncture sessions. I can honestly say that this has been such a helpful treatment for me, along with the extremely helpful discussions with Adele. It has had various benefits for me. I have been able to make an important change in my life. I have been sleeping better, have had a lot less headaches and tension. I have felt more calm and able to ‘let things go’ more. Additionally, although I hadn’t gone originally for help with tinnitus, I am really delighted to say that I now feel the ‘volume’ of my tinnitus has reduced to a degree, that I can manage it better. Previously, this had been such a cause of stress for me, that also caused anxiety and depression at times. I would not hesitate to recommend Adele to anyone who is finding it difficult to manage something in their life, and I know that if need be, I can arrange a ‘top-up’ session or sessions at a later date, which is great. I only wish I had gone to Adele sooner!"
Depression, Anxiety & Confidence Building“Adele was recommended to me by a friend. I had been suffering from depression and anxiety, had very little confidence, constant mood swings and had lost interest in life after several obstacles. I started seeing Adele in March, not really knowing what to expect or what I’d achieve from Acupuncture. Adele makes you feel at ease. After the first session I felt instant results. I felt more relaxed, tension headaches had disappeared and gradually I started to get my sparkle back. I had weekly sessions, as well as trying EFT, which felt strange to begin with, but amazingly works great for everything. I only did EFT once with Adele and now do it myself at home whenever I need to, it’s very easy and helpful. Two months later, I feel more relaxed, have energy, I’m more organised, sleep better, more outgoing, have an interest in life now. I’ve improved my diet and health with a much better understanding of food and how it can help. Adele gives me useful advice, which has also improved my lifestyle for the better. It has been a miracle, God only knows where I would be without Adele and acupuncture and EFT. Thank you.”
Knee PainI'd been taking pain killers for such a long time and one session of acupuncture I didn't need pain killers for over a week and my knee feels really good! Wish I'd come to you months ago! Thanks again."
Stress & Anxiety"In April 2010 I was finding the stresses of family and work were impacting on my life in many ways, the usual issues that many of us have to deal with were taking over me and I felt unwell, miserable and unable to cope. My yoga teacher suggested I visit Adele and try Ear Acupuncture. At this point I had nothing to lose so I went along to meet Adele. I must be honest and say I was sceptical, I couldn’t grasp how a few needles could resolve the problems - and the short answer is they didn’t but what they did resolve was how I dealt with them. After the first session I was drawn to go back a couple of weeks later and during talking to Adele I realised that something had shifted, my attitude had changed, work colleagues had commented on my calmer nature so I continued the visits. At first I had a few appointments every two weeks but others 3, 4 or 5 weeks apart. Adele was willing to fit in with my schedule and I really started to look forward to the appointments. Anyone who thinks they ‘don’t do needles’ need not worry there is no discomfort or pain, the whole experience is relaxing and a chance to discuss progress with Adele. Last week I realised that I had achieved my goal, after a particularly challenging few weeks at work and with a family crisis I realised I had handled the whole episode with ease and confidence. I told Adele it was my last appointment but I know I could go back at any point for a ‘top up’ if I need it. I would certainly recommend anyone experiencing work/life stress to give acupuncture a try, it is non-invasive, subtle but effective, does not involve drugs which harm the body and Adele is a positive influence to help you."
Copyright Adele Logan 2023
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CalmPoint is a Registered Trademark