Touch for Health & Energy Kinesiology
Let's dive in and find out how can it help.
If you'd like to find out more and would like to arrange a free initial 15 minute consultation or book a treatment session with me contact me via link below.
What's likely to happen on your first appointment?
Kinesiology is a very gentle therapy and can be adapted to suit everyone. You won't usually need to remove any clothing except shoes and outdoor clothing. You will mostly be lying down on a therapy couch for the session. A therapy session can take as little as 20-30 minutes or up to 90 minutes. It all depends on your reason for coming along and your goal for the session.
Generally speaking, your practitioner will use a muscle in your arm to begin the assessment (other muscles can be used). This will take the form of the practitioner placing your arm in a slightly outstretched position and will apply gentle pressure to your arm whilst you 'hold' the position of your arm. Depending on the muscle response (a 'lock' or 'unlock') the practitioner can then proceed by 'asking' your muscle a variety of questions, with your goal in mind. The muscle response, either a lock or unlock, will help the practitioner find the most appropriate and/or priority method of balancing the energy systems to achieve your goal in that session.
Your practitioner may use a variety of methods including massaging and working on acupressure points, spinal reflex points, neurolymphatic and neurovascular points to balance the energy system(s) to restore harmony and balance. Most of these points are on the head, neck and/or torso and are easily accessible.
Generally speaking, your practitioner will use a muscle in your arm to begin the assessment (other muscles can be used). This will take the form of the practitioner placing your arm in a slightly outstretched position and will apply gentle pressure to your arm whilst you 'hold' the position of your arm. Depending on the muscle response (a 'lock' or 'unlock') the practitioner can then proceed by 'asking' your muscle a variety of questions, with your goal in mind. The muscle response, either a lock or unlock, will help the practitioner find the most appropriate and/or priority method of balancing the energy systems to achieve your goal in that session.
Your practitioner may use a variety of methods including massaging and working on acupressure points, spinal reflex points, neurolymphatic and neurovascular points to balance the energy system(s) to restore harmony and balance. Most of these points are on the head, neck and/or torso and are easily accessible.
Some information about Kinesiology and Energy Kinesiology
The term kinesiology generally refers to the science of muscle movement, sport science and exercise, sometimes known as Applied or Academic Kinesiology. Kinesiology can be used to evaluate many different aspects of health and well-being. These days many kinesiology practitioners blend aspects of kinesiology (usually practiced by Chiropractors and Osteopaths) with the energy meridians used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and other energy medicine practices which focus on the reduction of stress and energy imbalances within the body.
Kinesiology and Energy Kinesiology as a therapeutic processes use muscle monitoring to evaluate the body's energetic systems (energy meridians, nervous system, structural, emotional and biochemical systems). By monitoring muscles the practitioner can identify imbalances/stress/blockages within these systems and evaluate the best therapeutic intervention and process to restore balance in these systems.
Balancing and 'correcting' of these various systems can include working on the physical structures of the body such as spinal reflexes, massaging neurolymphatic points, acupressure points, neurovascular points, as well as applying Low Level Light Therapy (LLT), Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF) and more. We may also use energetic healing techniques, use colour, sound, nutritional supplements, as well as Emotional Balancing techniques that help diffuse unhelpful or long-standing emotional states such as anxiety, sadness/grief, anger.
Kinesiology and Energy Kinesiology as a therapeutic processes use muscle monitoring to evaluate the body's energetic systems (energy meridians, nervous system, structural, emotional and biochemical systems). By monitoring muscles the practitioner can identify imbalances/stress/blockages within these systems and evaluate the best therapeutic intervention and process to restore balance in these systems.
Balancing and 'correcting' of these various systems can include working on the physical structures of the body such as spinal reflexes, massaging neurolymphatic points, acupressure points, neurovascular points, as well as applying Low Level Light Therapy (LLT), Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (PEMF) and more. We may also use energetic healing techniques, use colour, sound, nutritional supplements, as well as Emotional Balancing techniques that help diffuse unhelpful or long-standing emotional states such as anxiety, sadness/grief, anger.
If you'd like to find out more and would like to arrange a free initial 15 minute consultation contact me via link below.
Kinesiology Federation Proficient Practitioner
Copyright Adele Logan 2023